School Nurse

About Mrs. Smith BSN, RN:

Professional life: I graduated from Weber State University with my RN degree in 2020. Then I received my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing from Weber State University in 2021. I previously have worked in Pediatric HomeCare, and in the hospital setting on the Women and Newborn Unit. I am excited for this new step in school nursing. I am a member of the National School Nurse Association.

Personal life: My husband, 2 year old son and myself love camping. We do it as much as possible. We have 2 labrador retrievers who keep us busy. I also love reading.


  • Monday: Roy Elementary

  • Tuesday: Sand Ridge Jr. High School

  • Wednesday: Sand Ridge Jr. High School

  • Thursday: Roy Elementary 

  • Friday: Kanesville Elementary

Email Ma Smith
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns that I can address.

My Role as the School Nurse:

My goal is to keep our students healthy, safe, and ready to learn. I work closely with our school counselor, mental health specialist, the principal, and teachers to identify any health concerns, and provide resources to assist parents to access health care when needed. 

This is a link from the National Association of School Nurses regarding the role of the 21st century school nurse: 

Health Care Plans and Medication:

The following link will take you to the WSD Medication Policy

If your child will need medication at school, including prescription and over the counter medication, please have your health care provider fill out the following form. 

If your child has any of the following health care issues, please have your provider fill out the appropriate health care plan for your child:

  • Asthma

  • Life-Threatening Allergies

  • Seizures

  • Diabetes

Other applicable forms can be found here

Local Health Resources:

I have attached a link for the Weber-Morgan Area General Resource List to help with low cost health clinics, and other assistance programs.