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Apr 2021 Agenda

Roy Elementary Community Council 

Meeting Agenda/Minutes

April 1, 2021 @ 6:00 pm


School Members                                                   Parent Members

Principal Brent Hogan-present                             Jennifer Horton-present                             

Tiffanie Kinney, Teacher, secretary-present         Jennilee Hyde-present                                                          

Tana Chipp, Title One Coor.- present                   Heather Fannen-vice-chair        

                                                                             Rita Mattson-Sandoval-Chair-present

                                                                             Erica Davis-present  

                                                                             Zitali Cuenca

                                                                             Sonia Lopez                                                                                                     



  • Trustland budget review/plan review
    • Reviewed Last Meeting:
      • 2019-2020 plan is due in March
      • 2021-2022 plan is due in March
        • Proposal to:
          • Keep 62% Typical or Above Growth in DIBELS for next year (Goal 1).
          • Keep same action steps 
          • Keep the same expenditures
          • Keep Goal #2 the same-increase math and science RISE Scores by 2% from previous year
    • TSSA budget review/plan review
      • Jennilee moved to have Goal #1 match Goal #1 on Trustland Budget. Seconded by Rita.
        • Money for emotional specialist and Panorama
      • Goal #2 already matches Trustland
        • Training money will be used to pay for employee salaries
        • Money to support technology
      • Brent proposed to use the same Plan with the changes of adjusting the Goal #1 to match and using training money in Goal #2 for salaries.
      • Jennilee moved to accept and Rita seconded
    • Jennilee moved to accept, Brent seconded.


  • Title One budget review/plan review
    • Money is used to pay salaries (aides, keeping class sizes smaller, etc.)
    • Technology is also supported. Panels will be installed in rooms that do not yet have one (regular education)
  • Mask mandate- Bill HB 294
    • Schools and large gatherings will continue to require masks until the end of the year. This allows us to keep schools open.
  • End of Level Testing (RISE) starts after Spring Break, and will go through the second week of May.
  • New Carpet is being installed in the oldest section of the school and 5th-6th grade.
  • Over the summer:
    • East wing will get individual heating/cooling units for each classroom


Jennilee moved to adjourn meeting. Brent seconded.